Saturday 11 January 2014

Nicoletta's De Feo web site launch

ExceedInterpreting is proud to present the official website of Nicoletta De Feo- an EU-accredited Italian conference interpreter based in London. You can visit the website here:

Nicoletta has over 20 years of experience as a conference interpreter, working for a wide range of organizations, including:
  • European Institutions
  • National Governments
  • The G20
  • The Film Industry
  • The Hotel Industry
  • Private Companies
  • Scientific and Cultural Institutions
  • TV Broadcasting Companies
  • Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Health Organizations
  • The Courts and Law Firms
  • Chambers of Commerce and Tourist Boards
  • International Police Organizations
  • Trade Unions
  • The Vatican
  • Football and Rugby Federations

Friday 3 May 2013

Perhaps I shouldn't tell you this...

... but then again, it is no secret that a well though-out, customised website may help you to generate more interest and attract new clients. It is also a perfect platform to showcase your professional experience and highlight any areas of expertise you might have. 

A tailor-made website? Check.
Showcase of professional portfolio. Check
Your own URL and professional email address. Check

For further information, please visit

Thursday 2 May 2013

Give your brain a boost!

Have you ever wondered why your performance as a language professional plunges into a suboptimal range? Enter the brain chemistry optimisation. In my article (published courtesy of the Journal of Institute of Translation and Interpreting), I will be seeking to explore how a few simple lifestyle modifications can help to improve your cognition. 

Please remember to enjoy that newly acquired Limitless-esque mind power of yours responsibly :)

Sunday 13 January 2013

Fuel your interpreting performance with a healthy diet

In case you missed my article in the latest issue of the ITI Journal you can find the full text at: 

How is that for an appetizing cover?

Saturday 8 December 2012

Pan taki podłamany?

Nie dalej niż 3 tygodnie temu miała miejsce dosyć kuriozalna, w moim mniemaniu, sytuacja. Przed rozpoczęciem zlecenia w szpitalu psychiatrycznym, usilnie starałem się przypomnieć sobie jakie lekarstwa przeciwdepresyjne podane zostały pacjentce, kiedy to podszedł do mnie jeden z pacjentów oddziału zamknietęgo, wyraźnie zaniepokojony moim stanem, i zapytał (w wolnym tłumaczeniu): "Ależ pan markotnie dzisiaj wygląda, może zechciałby pan o tym ze mną porozmawiać?" 

Zamyślony czy zmartwiony, oto jest pytanie!

Nie sposób odmówić ów pacjentowi dobrej woli, empatii i zaangażowania, ale jako że z pokoju personelu wyłonił się psychiatra, nie dane mi było przedyskutować mojej skądinąd mimowolnej chandry, która to zresztą bardzo szybko ustąpiła pod wpływem doznanej serdeczności :)

Saturday 17 November 2012

The best is yet to come

Contrary to the concerns expressed by some, the recent lack of activity on the blog does NOT mean I have disappeared from the face of the earth. The voices of dismay do not strike me as particularly unfounded though, and I am the first to admit that my professional commitments severely limited my ability to update the blog on a regular basis. On the plus side however, even though my hands were tied for quite some time you might be interested to learn that I have a few posts in the pipeline. 

Besides, I am working on another article for Institute of Translation and Interpreting (but shhh, don't tell anyone!) on oftentimes overlooked matters pertaining to sleep patterns, general health as well as eating habits and their relevance to the work of interpreters. A substantial body of research points to the fact that there is a link between leading a healthy lifestyle and peak cognitive performance.  Here's a little taster which I hope will give you some food for thought (no more puns in this post, I promise): 

Is it THE perfect cognitive-boosting breakfast? 

(For the optically challenged (admittedly my own vision is anything but 20/20): the breakfast consists of free-range scrambled eggs, spinach cooked in extra virgin coconut oil and three slices of fresh pineapple to the boot. The breakfast comes with a side dish/dessert- a bowl of blueberries)



Il titolo me l'ha insegnato la nonna della mia amata Sylvia durante il mio soggiorno in Belgio. Per qualche ragione, questa frase mi è venuta in mente mentre non riuscivo a dormire la notte prima dell'interpretazione simultanea per un seminario academico all'University of Central Lancashire. La cosa piu' fastidiosa è che quella sera ho fatto di tutto per addormentarmi presto vsto gli impegni che avevo. Prepararsi per una conferenza non è mai cosa facile, anche se conosci il tema abbastanza bene come nel mio caso, iinfatti trattava di salute mentale e coinvolgimento della famiglia del paziente. 

Dopo aver studiato il vocabolario, che ho elencato nel glossario enorme, era tempo per organizzarmi un pò per il giorno succesivo. Mi sono messo a fare la ricerca dei orari e preparare qualche snack per la conferenza (che non è poco visto che le mie abitudine alimentari assomigliano a quelle di un'atleta). A questo punto la giornata sembrava quasi finita ma mi è venuto in mente un pensiero terrificante: la gocce per il naso non ne avevo piu! A quanto pare, una cosa banale! Comunque credetemi che una mancanza del genere in certi casi si può tradurre in una notte orribile. Sempre al letto in uno stato d'animo veramente scorragiato dopo aver passato, come previsto, una notte insonne, ho pensato 'beh, ora bisogna mostrare di che pasta sono fatto io!'